15 Feb Six Ways to Split Child Custody Evenly
Determining a joint child custody agreement can be difficult for everyone involved. When each parent is on a different schedule with work and other commitments, splitting time for their children evenly can be a complicated process. Here are six common ways for parents to split child custody fairly using a two-week time frame.
Every Other Week
In this arrangement, each parent gets custody of their child for one full week from Sunday to Saturday. The next week, the other parent gets custody from Sunday to Saturday. This way, each parent gets custody of the child for seven days.
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 |
Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 |
Splitting custody every other week plus one overnight
In this visitation schedule, each parent gets custody of their child for one week with one overnight stay at the other parent’s home. The following week it is reversed to the other parent. This schedule is ideal for parents who feel that alternating custody over a full week is too much time without seeing their child.
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1/Parent 2 | Parent 2/Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 |
Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2/Parent 1 | Parent 1/Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 |
In this schedule, one parent has the child from Sunday to Tuesday while the other parent attains custody from Wednesday to Friday. The next week goes from Saturday to Tuesday, and the other parent gets custody from Wednesday to Saturday. This still helps both parents get seven days with their children a week.
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 |
Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 |
This schedule gives both parents some weekend time, and the children don’t go too long without seeing one parent. Since this schedule is consistent during the week and structure, the child lives with the parents on mostly the same days, so it is easy to remember. However, the children may struggle with adapting since they change homes so frequently.
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 |
Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 |
The 2-2-3 child custody schedule is straightforward and easy to understand and also easy to implement. Many parents like the simplicity and ease of this scheduled and it is also an excellent way for the child to spend time at both parents home each week while rotating weekends.
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 |
Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 2 |
Every Other Day
This plan is usually the least popular custody plan for most parents because of the confusing nature of the back and forth changes. However, a few parents feel that this is the fairest and easiest way for them to make their schedules work for them.
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 |
Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Parent 2 |
Tammy Karas-Griggs cares deeply about keeping families strong. Although divorce can be difficult and put a strain on your and your family, Tammy Karas-Griggs can help make the process easier. Custody is different from one family to the next but with the right help it can be simple. You don’t have to face these difficult times alone. If you are looking for a Northshore custody attorney, contact Tammy Karas-Griggs today.
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